11 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Cloud Computing

  • July 27, 2022
  • Elisa Silverglade
  • 11 min read

The global cloud computing market is currently worth a whopping $126 billion. This makes sense when you consider how convenient, flexible, and secure cloud systems are.

If you’re thinking of implementing a cloud system, you likely are wondering about the ins and outs of this network management method.

Here, we’re going to talk about the top 11 benefits of cloud computing for your business operations. Read on to feel more confident in your decision to switch to IT services that implement cloud methods.

What is Cloud Computing/Network Management?

Traditionally, businesses used on-site storage systems to manage their technology. These servers took up physical space in an office and held databases, applications, intelligence, and more. Cloud computing systems digitize this storage as well as the delivery of resources.

When you implement a cloud-based system, you store all databases, intelligence, apps, software, analytics, storage, and security resources on a secure virtual network. This cloud network is only accessible to authorized users and secured against threats. However, unlike an on-premise storage system, users can access it anywhere and from any device.

How Is Cloud Computing Used for Businesses?

There are several ways that organizations use cloud computing for their business operations. These include but are not limited to:

  • Data backup
  • Disaster recovery
  • File storage
  • Streamlining collaboration and communication
  • Trying out new applications
  • Testing new projects
  • Allowing flexibility for remote workers

Ultimately, the cloud offers many benefits to businesses. You can access additional services and get more storage space than a physical server could provide. You get automated backups and secure data recovery strategies via cloud network management professionals.

In short, businesses use the cloud to boost their efficiency and security.

What Are the Characteristics of Cloud Computing?

There are five core characteristics of cloud computing:

  1. Self-service on demand (authorized employees can access resources without interacting with the service provider each time)
  2. Scalability, flexibility, and elasticity
  3. Measured service (meaning that organizations only pay for what they use)
  4. Broad network access
  5. Resource pooling

These are the cloud computing standards outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Knowing the characteristics of cloud computing allows you to better implement flexible systems and access the most benefits possible.

Now that you know the basics of cloud computing, let’s take a look at their top benefits.

1. Saves Money

One of the main reasons to implement cloud computing technologies is that they come with financial benefits. About 94% of companies state that the cloud reduces both setup and maintenance costs. 47% also said that their IT costs would drop from anywhere between 30-50%.

This makes sense when you consider that cloud computing does not require hardware maintenance. There’s no need to pay someone to set up an on-site server, and there are no costs associated with maintaining a server, either.

Additionally, working with managed IT providers means that your cloud system will constantly be updated and upgraded. It comes with the cost of your private, public, or hybrid cloud. You won’t need to shell out additional fees to keep your cloud server running effectively.

2. Boosts Efficiency

Time is money, and one of the ways that cloud computing saves money is by boosting efficiency and saving time. Those that implement cloud systems see an 18.8% increase in process efficiency.

This boost means that you will have more time to spend in other areas of your business. Processes will flow more quickly so that you can develop new applications and workflows to further streamline the business. You also will have more time to spend focusing on core products, marketing, fostering client relations, and more.

Businesses that implement cloud systems also see a 20.66% decrease in time to market new products and services. This allows you to get products and solutions out to clients more quickly, boosting their satisfaction. You’re more likely to get good reviews and build customer loyalty so that your business can thrive.

3. Makes You More Scalable

One of the top advantages of cloud computing is increased scalability. Those who use on-site hardware and other outdated infrastructure can’t easily remove resources that your business is no longer using. They’ll continue to take up space and cost you money (via energy bills or operational maintenance costs).

However, cloud computing systems let you effortlessly remove applications you no longer need. You can also install new resources, apps, and software systems with no frills.

Users can also be quickly added and removed as necessary. If someone no longer works for you, you can take them off the system immediately. If you hire a new employee or create a new position, you can add them to the list of authorized users.

This is critical for modern, fast-moving businesses. Investing in cloud systems means that you can easily adapt to rapid growth. Seasonal changes are also much easier.

4. Increases Flexibility

Scalability is often lumped in with flexibility, but the two aren’t always the same thing.

While scalability means that you can downsize and expand your business at will, flexibility means that you can adjust hours and work remotely more easily. It also means that you can use systems on multiple devices within the workplace and access them in multiple ways.

Because the cloud is completely virtual, it’s 100% flexible. You can access the cloud regardless of your location or device. It also is never going to be shut off after regular work hours.

Flexibility is important for many reasons, especially because devices break and new ones are required to continue with daily operations. Employees can get the same information on any other device by connecting to the shared cloud, which reduces downtime and frustration.

5. Makes Remote Work Easier

However, one of the main reasons that flexibility is critical is the increasing demand for remote work. It’s important to keep in mind that:

  • 61% of employees prefer being fully remote
  • 74% of professionals believe that remote work will soon become the standard
  • 97% of workers do not want to return to full-time on-site work
  • 64% of employees would consider quitting if asked to return to the office full-time
  • Quality talent is drawn to remote positions

Because data is accessible anywhere regardless of the time of day, cloud computing technologies make it easier for you to hire remote workers. This keeps your existing employees happy and boosts their productivity. It also makes you more competitive in the job market so that you can find qualified new hires.

6. Provides a Secure Alternative

The average data breach costs a company around $4.24 million. If you operate an organization with between 10-30 people, a hit this huge could easily force you out of business.

Data breaches are common with traditional on-premise storage systems. They don’t have very good security, which means that the hardware itself is susceptible to theft. They also often have ineffective encryption and detection software that you need to personally update frequently.

This is not true with cloud IT services.

Data centers that store cloud data have top-notch security and protection. Hardware is inaccessible even to your employees, so you don’t need to worry about theft.

Additionally, fully-managed cloud network providers offer the top digital security software available. The network will always come equipped with firewalls, multi-factor encryption, and constant monitoring.

Experts constantly look for blips in the normal trends of your system and alert you to any potential issues. We also stop these problems proactively by constantly updating and upgrading security software. This is the best way to keep your network and attached devices safe from theft.

7. Allows for Disaster Recovery

On-premise servers often have poor disaster recovery, so any malware that penetrates the system can irreversibly delete or damage data. One of the best things about cloud services is that they automatically back up data as soon as it is saved.

In the unlikely event that our top-notch security systems are breached, your data will always be recoverable. Network IT experts are also experts in getting back lost data so that you can decide what next steps to take.

Disaster recovery is also essential in the event of natural disasters. Earthquakes, floods, and fires can result in expensive data loss, even if you make an effort to back up your own data each day. This can be especially problematic since different data might be stored on Smartphones and other mobile devices.

The bottom line is that you have a lot to lose.

However, with cloud computing systems, you won’t. Instant backups mean that even if the hardware is destroyed, all of your data will be preserved. Cloud vendors can re-install it onto new hardware if necessary without you needing to even worry about too much downtime.

8. Comes With Professional Support

When you use an on-premise traditional computing system, you need to perform all maintenance on your own. This includes ensuring that the hardware is functioning correctly, backing up data, recovering information, updating and implementing security features, and more.

This is difficult to do without expert knowledge of your infrastructure. To obtain this, you would need to shell out a lot of money to hire in-house IT support. Even when you do, this is no guarantee that your new hire will be well-versed in your specific system.

Cloud computing technology is fully managed when you hire the right IT company. They automate backups, security enhancement, and information storage needs. You never need to worry about falling behind or wasting time on manual updates.

Our experts are also consistently available to answer your questions and ensure that you understand your cloud IT infrastructure. You’ll never be left guessing. You also won’t annoy employees or clients because you don’t have the information you need to streamline their needs.

9. Provides a Reliable Infrastructure

Cloud IT providers can give you an extremely reliable system to ensure that your data is accessible whenever you need it. You won’t accidentally be locked out of the system or lose information just as you need it.

Instead, we work to ensure that your applications, storage, and other network functions are always working. You don’t need to worry about data loss or downtime because of an error in your network system. The cloud is always there, making it consistently reliable.

10. Reduces Downtime and Lag

Did you know that IT downtime costs the average business $5600 per minute?

Downtime can come from lost data that hasn’t been backed up. It also can come from lag due to servers that aren’t loading correctly. Cloud computing solves these issues.

However, one of the other critical ways that the cloud can reduce downtime is by providing redundancy.

This means that if one server goes down, another can simply take its place. When this happens, the end-user won’t even notice that the first server stopped running. There won’t be any issues accessing applications or files for employees, nor will clients notice any website downtime.

11. Easy Implementation

You may think that the many benefits of cloud computing would mean that it takes time to implement, but this is far from the case. Because it’s virtual and requires no hardware installation, you can have a cloud IT system up and running in less than an hour.

All you need to do is work with top providers of cloud services and figure out how to implement them. There are simple ways to move your data securely onto the cloud. Integrating your new cloud system with pre-existing applications and databases is also a breeze.

Work With a Top IT Provider Today

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular in recent years, and there are many reasons for this. The bottom line is that it makes running a business simpler, more flexible, more secure, and more efficient. Now that you know the many advantages of investing in cloud services, it’s time to start working with an IT provider to implement these solutions.

Techromatic is committed to providing SMBs in many industries with network and cloud engineering services that keep them secure. Our professionals understand the ins and outs of current technologies and can integrate new cloud solutions into your pre-existing system. Contact us to discuss what we can do for you and get an estimate for our services.