About Us
Techromatic helps our customers conceive, deploy, and manage Automation and Information Technology. We simplify and transform our customers’ IT, protect them from threats, and deliver consistent results that help drive business productivity!
We are technology agnostic, with experts and expertise to leverage the best of breed solutions across all aspects of information technology. This includes Microsoft Azure and 365, Google Workspace, Legacy technologies like Windows server and ESX, and all SAAS solutions. We are Mac and PC friendly.

The workforce of the future will be a seamless blend of human and virtual employees, each enhancing the other’s strengths and abilities. Digital workers will fuel productivity with round the clock, error free, rule based tasks while human workers will focus on innovation, adding value, and pursuing new skills.
Contact Techromatic, and begin your digital transformation today!
Our Mission: To make businesses LOVE their IT Departments!
(and to be those IT departments!)
Keep it Simple
We optimize for simple solutions with big impact.
Make it Safe
Cybersecurity is foundational to all of our services.
Best in Class
We leverage creative combinations of the best technologies to meet your needs.
Tech Experts
Out team are experts in their fields!
Our Process: Building the Pyramid
- Create documentation
- Create priorities document
- Client training
- We become responsible for the environment
- Reporting
- Priorities meeting
- Satisfaction meeting
Our Partners & Affiliates

Apple Consultants Network
Automation Anywhere





Office 365

G Suite for Business

Bracket Encrypted Email

Webroot Secure Anywhere
Techromatic's Unique
Approach to IT
- IT Governance and Policies
- Cybersecurity
- Information Architecture and Data Flows
- Security Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning
- Cybersecurity
- Alignment of IT Initiatives with Business Goals

Ready for us to get passionate about your IT?
Get a Free Consultation.

Techromatic Incorporated is officially Made in NY and proud of our contributions to the NY tech and digital community.